I dont get to take photos of you often but wow, when I do.. I fall in love :) You are such a lovely little guy, caring, sweet, with just a touch of boyish mischief. If i could clone you we'd make squillions :)
Went to the archives today.. this is something cool we did last year and are doing again tomorrow... the new photo website I promised I havent finished playing with yet so I dont have much to show you... Monday I promise ;)
My kids are not messy kids. They dont do finger painting, hands are washed as soon as sand is finished with, and they will both come and wipe paint on me instead of getting it on themselves... so unlike me cos I kinda like messy craft. So when I came at them today armed with glue and a grin they were dubious to say the least. I also had 5 glass containers of spices that I think went out of date about 6 years ago. But once we got started, I had them hooked. They great thing about this craft is the smell. Ok so maybe my mix of curry powder, parsley, paprika, cinnamon and rosemary wouldnt have tasted all that terrific but the smell was great.
How we did it:
I gave each of them a piece of paper and showed them the containers. We talked about the spices and smelt them. Jared tried to taste them but decided against it when smelling curry powder. they then spread glue all over the page, then sprinkled each spice on the glue.
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