So did you enter any of the amazing giveaways??? There are a few still open, I just found out...DEFINITELY worth entering......
So last night, after finding out about Sew Mama Sew giveaways, I was a bit disspointed I hadnt found it earlier. One, because I might have gotten my act together and contributed, and also that I only had a limited amount of time to enter!
And so I sat there for almost two hours scouring the blogs, looking at such amazing giveaways, entering as many as I could that really appealed to me, noticing that most of them had anywhere from 200 to 700 people entering...
I now have about 30 new blogs to read ( oopss so much for my cull to not take as much time on the computer!!)
I was just blown away by the talent thats out there. In some ways I was a bit embarassed at the simplicity of my own blog, but then realised that its read for ideas for kids, its simple because thats what they enjoy :)
And guess what???
Over at the blog "EM AY KAY EE {make}" she was giving away the most gorgeous set of a quilted bag, a toiletries bag, a roll make up case, a sunnies case and a mini pouch. Its really so very cute and just what I would love to havea go at making ( shes doing a sew along too! Sign up so you can have one too!)
AND I WON THE LOT :) Wanna see it all??
So last night, after finding out about Sew Mama Sew giveaways, I was a bit disspointed I hadnt found it earlier. One, because I might have gotten my act together and contributed, and also that I only had a limited amount of time to enter!
And so I sat there for almost two hours scouring the blogs, looking at such amazing giveaways, entering as many as I could that really appealed to me, noticing that most of them had anywhere from 200 to 700 people entering...
I now have about 30 new blogs to read ( oopss so much for my cull to not take as much time on the computer!!)
I was just blown away by the talent thats out there. In some ways I was a bit embarassed at the simplicity of my own blog, but then realised that its read for ideas for kids, its simple because thats what they enjoy :)
And guess what???
Over at the blog "EM AY KAY EE {make}" she was giving away the most gorgeous set of a quilted bag, a toiletries bag, a roll make up case, a sunnies case and a mini pouch. Its really so very cute and just what I would love to havea go at making ( shes doing a sew along too! Sign up so you can have one too!)
AND I WON THE LOT :) Wanna see it all??

My great loot
Like most people, I never win anything. Although I did win a very random Bbq at our local grocers last year. And a hair voucher at the trivia night last year. But normally, I dont win. So I am pretty excited :)
The funny thing is, a couple of weeks ago I won something else just as awesome. Actually my kids really won this but I entered it for them. It was over at Grow With Me Gifts and it was gorgeous Jack and the beanstalk kit containing a growth chart, some magic beans, a colouring page and the story of Jack and the Bean stalk.

An absolutely wonderful prize and my little gardeners are totally excited as tomorrow is THE day! I didnt want to do this whole experience half heartedly so we are going to put up the growth chart, plant the beans ( spot has been prepared for a week) and read the story. Such a great little package :) And thankyou to the wonderful parcel decorator too!!

The last thing I have received this week ( its been an exciting mail week!!) was something that I entered to win but missed out, but was so taken with the prize I bought one myself :) And I was totally not dissapointed :)
It started out going to be for someone else but I love it so much I am keeping it myself ;) (its ok, they will never know! And I will get them something else wonderful). It was over at Bejewelled Beads and the prize was to win one of her gorgeous watches. I looked all the way through her amazing range and found the one I loved, entered and hoped I'd win. I didnt. A week went by and I kept coming back to the site, still loving the original one I'd choosen, and seeing as the prices were really affordable, bought one for a friend.

Postage was REALLY good to Australia ( shes in the states) ( I think) and so it was such a great buy and when I opened it, there was no way I was giving it up :)
Ohhh that watch is stunning. I want one too now! I'll be checking out that link.
ReplyDeleteThanks for blogging your prize from me. I'll be posting it tomorrow! It's funny, I spent a LOT of time entering those giveaways {more than 2 hours I'm ashamed to say} and I didn't win anything. (So far anyway, I'm pretty sure they're all over though.) C'est la vie.
I'm so glad you love your watch! :) It always makes me so happy when people just adore what I have made!
ReplyDeleteI'm soo happy your all enjoying your new project! Thanks for posting and keep us posted:-) Hug!