Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Number numbers one two three

Another number craft today.. we are definitely feeling the wind down to school holidays so I am really glad I had this one all ready to go!

I cut out 5 flowers for each of them, labelled one to five. I asked Jared to help me get them in the right order to start with ( he needed a bit of help but not as much as I thought) and then we glued them down.

I then gave him a pile of Hama beads and asked him to glue on some " little bugs" onto his flowers. ( at this point, I dont really know why we did flowers... he never seems to find things "for a girl" so I didnt really worry about that bit :) )

He had trouble to start with, trying to rush through it and not count out the beads, but once I sat with him and we did it together, he enjoyed it much more and was able to do it really well.

Amahli had a go too, she kept telling me to "be quiet, Mummy, I do it a self" so I let her do as she pleased :) She counted all through this activity... not neccessarily in order, but she loves numbers so for her it was another chance to get her massive quota of words closer to her daily total :)

Its sometimes the simplest of activities that my kids enjoy, simple counting and gluing and creating a flower garden with a few bits and pieces, but I think lately its been more about do these things WITH me instead of me leaving them to do it and watching how they go. Its been good to sit and actually complete something with them, watching how proud they are, watching how they work out how to complete these activitiies.
Anybody else got something simple thats really worked this week??

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