"well you asked me to come closer and smile...its not my fault its impossible to focus..."
Well I made it back, almost without getting lost :) but really what fun is a trip when its boring???
It wasnt really a planned trip... more of a conglomeration of events that all aligned and I couldnt NOT go. And so I had my first ever overnight away from all my kids which was good and bad but survivable for all :) ( they have a great daddy)
One of the best things about my little adventure was that one of my close friends managed to not have her baby until almost two weeks late, meaning that when I had to deal with the "family drama" on Monday, I was also able to take a quick ( 2 hour) detour to see her new little blessing :) Thanks baby for waiting to meet me...
This is my new friend :) I wont say a name cos I might get in trouble but really this kid is too cute not to be famous on my blog :)

And so full of new baby love, I somehow got totally lost going back to Newcastle from Sydney.. so much so, my personal GPS ( my sister) had to come and find me :)..... oh well...
I have all intentions on making this beauty a stack and slash quilt, but with christmas and all other paraphanalia I havent had a chance to finish ( or actually start) it. And so we decided to make a special card to start with. I cant buy cards anymore. At around $7-$8 its just ridiculous at how much you would spend in a year on cards for people. Plus I love making them cos it makes people keep them longer :)
And so I whipped up this little birthday fairy card for my new friend.

Start with two rectangles of blue and green card ( I used scrapping card cos its a good thickness) of the same size. Fold both in half and press down the centre fold.

With the green, cut two small slits in the middle of the card, gently fold up the flap in the middle, then open the card and pop the flap out ( see picture, its tricky to write an expanation)

On one edge, cut the card to look like grass
Glue to green card to the blue card, but dont glue the flap down.
Now at the next stage, you can cut your fairy, flowers, or whatever you want to add to the middle however you want to. I have added a fairy and flowers to mine cut from spare card ( yup I have lots of scraps of stuff)
I have attached the fairy with a square dot of double sided foam so its raised slightly and the flowers are glued.

It makes such a cute card and my baby friend loved it.. or she would have if she wasnt so cosy and asleep in my arms..... *BLISS*
I left my gang all set up for things to do when I was gone a WHOLE day.. you'd think I had been gone for months but really they were too busy to miss me :)
One thing I did leave and daddy and Jumeirah found was this great book I bought daddy for Christmas.

He draws alot and hes awesome at it but often screws them up when hes finished and I like to keep them ( yup I keep his art too!!) And so finding this great doodle book meant that he could draw it and I can keep it. Its got lots of different ideas and pictures they have started but you have to finish and looks like a great thing to have whilst he is on the phone at work. BUT... Jumeirah got her hands on it yesterday and decided she would like to have a go. And wow, is she ever clever!!

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