A different sort of art today but something that was really effective and both kids loved it. It started with some paper and a kitchen accident but ended up being a great experience.

I then got out some watercolour paint as I'd seen wet salt paintings that had then painted them for a cool effect. So very carefully, we touched the wet salt with bright colours.
Amahli, in her usual gung ho attitude, was attempting to find morning tea, 5 minutes after breakfast. I asked her to wait but its kinda like asking a stampede to turn around. She's a man on mission.
So I'd said no, but she continued her task of getting it herself. In the process, she knocked the full salt shaker over and then watched in fascination at the waterfall she had created. Quickly realizing she would be in trouble, she began trying to collect it in a container. So craft today was going to include salt :)
I got out glue and card stock and sat them up at the table. I showed them how to make patterns with the glue and then we sprinkled salt over the wet glue.

I then got out some watercolour paint as I'd seen wet salt paintings that had then painted them for a cool effect. So very carefully, we touched the wet salt with bright colours.
You paint it while the salt and glue are still wet? Cool. I did not know that. I have seen this done, but I would have done it with dry glue. I think the way you did it made the color pop more. Awesome!