Such a lovely Easter weekend... its a shame not every weekend could be 4 days long... I would even settle for a three day weekend?! Yes??? Its so nice to have daddy home, we have such adventures....
Even though Easter is over the another year, I thought I would still finish up and show you the cool Easter stuff we did over the weekend. No reason you cant do it when its not Easter is there? Of course not!!
Thursday night, I spent far too much time getting frustrated trying to take photos of the moon. It was huge, detailed and amazing. Unfortunately, my camera ( yes I AM blaming the camera)is limited and I just couldnt capture it the way I wanted to. I need a bigger zoom/lessons/HELP and so I just sat and watched it sail up into the night sky. Was good to sit in the quietness for a moment.. its rare :)

Good Friday started with pancakes. And not just any pancakes, Cross pancakes :) Well they were almost cross pancakes. And Jared, who doesnt normally eat them at all, thought they were fantastic. Win to mum :)

I got the craft out for the morning which was Stained glass windows. We have done this before, but I cut crosses and egg shapes into them to make them special for Easter. Both girls got stuck this, Jumeirah carefully placing each piece of cellophane in specific places, Amahli was just hell bent on getting as much cellophane as possible onto the contact. The beauty of this craft it totally doesnt matter what the back looks like :) when the sun shines through the window they look fantastic.

They chatted together, talking about the colours and who knows what else, its mostly their own special sister language :) Jared, not wanting to miss out of the conversation, did a little bit of craft but mostly just chatted too.
We hung them in the window once they were done and stood back to admire their handiwork.

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