Desperate for a better day than yesterday, I decided today would include a craft free-for-all. This was for a few reasons, A) I am totally out of ideas at the moment, and B) having a whole heap of things ready to go means I dont have to leave the table to get something and thus giving Jared the chance to escape ;)
This is how it looked.

I was even tempted by it! Amahli, drawn by the mere smell of fresh paper and paint, was totally in. I called hers " mixed media art" as she pretty much had to use a bit of everything on the one page. She was in pure paradise :) And the best thing about her being so completely occupied was that I could work with Jared and encourage him to join in too.

He was happy to start, we talked about what he thought he might like to do first which surprisingly, was to draw. He started to draw and it quickly became a rocket, with windows, flames, stars and a moon.

He then wanted to use paint ( *gasp!* I know!) to colour in the rocket, which he did and was really proud of it.

Precisely 4 minutes after starting he was ready to stop but I gently encouraged him with scissors. He got pretty excited over these too as he realised that he was able to cut different shapes on.

And so he agreed and drew a picture of himself and daddy ( with only a small amount of encouragement.)

The thing about having everything was that he could leave paint if he wanted to and draw instead, or completely change and cut. He seemed much more willing to sit and do more than a few minutes which was great. Its also meant that I was able to sit and be with him instead of running back and forth with more supplies and things. I could sit and relax and enjoy watching them create.
The funniest thing was though, when he had finished his drawing of himself, I encouraged him by saying, " Now, where are you and dad in the picture?"
His response was " we are in the forest on the top of a mountain."
Me:" Why dont you draw some of the things in the forest? Or the mountain?"
His very quick response: " No Mum. We are covered in fog. Thats the white bit."
I guess he was done :)
Hahahahaha!! What a clever little guy! Kids find the cutest ways to get out of doing stuff :)
ReplyDeleteOk, I make it official now: You are my very very role model for doing stuff with children!!! I read almost your entire blog (great to see your children getting younger :) and I made notes what to do too!
ReplyDeleteI take my head *hehe* of course hat off to you!!!
Of course I am going to read you every post now!
That is hilarious. He had it all covered, Mum. ;)
ReplyDeleteHI KIRSTEN!! welcome and thankyou :)