Thursday, June 23, 2011

project 52

Im entering this photo in the Paper Mama's photo competition: your best shot of a child.

I have hundreds of photos of my children and so many of them are the best for various reasons... good lighting, well captured smile.... perfect moment.
I had trouble picking just one, of just one child.

This one of Amahli totally captures the cheeky, heart melting, loving, demanding soul that she is.
She drives me to despair, and then turns and smacks me with a great whopping smoochy kiss and all is forgotten. She will push me to my limits, only for me to find I still have patience and love at the bottom of the barrel. She is adored by her siblings, and adores them in return.
She is a little ray of sunshine.
She is difficult, but she is oh so worth it.

She is loved. Even when shes rotten, I find something of her that I truly cannot find anywhere else, that is totally lovable.

She is one of my greatest blessings.


The Paper Mama


  1. Oh,I love this photo of her. It is my favorite of her. I have favorites of all of your sweeties. :)
    Good luck!

  2. What a sweetie!!! Good choice :)
