Friday, June 3, 2011

Project 52

I had an epiphany this morning :)
Normally when I walk, for some reason, my head clears and I dont think of anything. This is incredibly rare for the person who has at least 6 things going at once and plans for at least 600 more...

This mornings sunrise wasnt all that spectacular and I wondered why this could be. the sun still rose the same way it has every other morning, but to make an amazing sunrise, there is one key element that was kinda missing a bit today. Cloud. Dark, grey, ominous, depressing. And yet, thats what makes the sunrise so much more breathtaking. Its ability to rise through it, to highlight it, to stretch beyond it, it what really MAKES the sunrise most beautiful.
And it got me thinking.

Me, and my everydayness, the same things over and over again, is not something overly spectacular. Its how I react and cope when things dont go well or trouble descends and darkens my day that show my true strength and beauty. Its the ability to move beyond whats happening around me and the choice to shine regardless that makes us stand out.

And it made me also realise that we need the grey days to show our full potential, to show the world ( and ourselves) what we are really made of. That not only do we cope, but we look spectacular doing so :)


Im gonna give myself permission to shine
Im gonna shine so bright, gonna make every head wanna turn
you're finally gonna see me

Give myself permission to Shine
Gonna light up my life
Shine a little of my light on the world :)

Bachelor Girl


  1. Beautiful, just like you!!!

  2. God uses the grey day moments as well as the sunshiny moments to teach us. It's good to be reminded of that! Thanks!
