Wednesday, June 23, 2010

threading fun for little ones

I began dinner tonight, only to race away from it to the sounds of screams and water... when I came back, instead of finding a half burnt mess, this little guy has perched himself ( rather precariously I might add) and is happily stirring the bacon around. " S' ok, mum. I'll do it". love :)x

Have been feeling a little glum today.. its probably just the combination of gloomy weather, sad ending to season final of Greys Anatomy, and general tiredness...

Just recently, a favourite blog of mine Mom Tried It, suddenly disappeared. Something I read almost every morning to start the day, apparently this blog was shut down and it threw me into a panic. Not only can I not find something to replace my daily read ( I also read Soulemama so I am not completely desolate but still....) but I am wondering if I should work out a way to print my own. Its not much really, but its been something I have done almost every day for awhile now and captures so much of what goes on in this place, kinda like my diary really.
Have any of you printed out your blog? Or know of a good online place to do it???
Id be devastated to lose it!

Today I was trying to finish off a whole stack of UFOS ( unfinished objects) in order to sell somewhere, somehow. A friend encouraged me to do it, so I started in great enthusiasm but its fading fast....

Quality Tester

Peek a boo bags

Amahli and Jared both wanted to do some stitching too. So I got them both a big blunt needle and some bright thread and also so plastic threading mats I had off cuts from making Jumeirahs underwater cave at christmas.

We sat down and I showed them how to do it. Amahli did need a fair bit of help but she really enjoyed this "big girl" activity.

Jared didnt want my help at all, I wasnt even allowed to watch because I kept interupting him with encouragement, apparently!

"Sorry mum, but you not helping me!"

I was amazed at how long both of them sat and did this.

The plastic threading mat can be bought really cheap from Spotlight and other craft stores.
It was a perfect quiet activity for a laid back day :)
Amahli finished first and then set herself up with a money box full of 5c pieces and began to post them into the top.

This is something both girls have loved doing and spend ages completing the task. Amahli puts in each coin and exclaims " I did it!" with her hands in the air.
Gotta love that self esteem :) xx


  1. My suggestion is to just get a flash drive. Save your template in HTML code on it. Every week or two save your recent posts on it (in HTML or Word). Then if anything happens you can just copy and paste it all.

    On another note, I am going to have to do this with my kids. My son would think it is neat and my 21 month old would go nuts for doing such a big kid thing.

  2. Last year I had my blog printed out into a book through Blurb. It was really easy to do, once you get the hang of the software, and I ended up with a beautiful coffee table-type book that I'll treasure forever.
