Also known as a Hallmark holiday, I prefer to know it as a day to let those I know they are loved :)And yes, they get told often of thsi fact, but Valentines day is a day I can do something extra special.
I guess as a teenager, Valentines day was the dreaded day you hoped to get a secret valentine but often didnt.. or it came from goodness knew who, or the one who was supposed to remember forgot. But for me, today, I wanted to do something. I lost a friend recently to cancer and was sharply reminded that days are numbered and to take each chance to make a difference and to let those who matter know. So last night, I printed off this beautiful page from Missy ballance and coloured it in for Jumeirah. Its a reminder of the ten best things I love about her.

As she walked to school, we talked about it and she decided she wanted to do some as well.
I left her with the comment " I had to pick the ten best things, but I could have written a million more" and watched as my gorgeous girl grinned a beam of a smile that I hugged close to me all day :)
For hubbin, I wanted to get rid of the hallmark holiday idea and make my own card. Time short and creativity flat, I found the most perfect card to print off for free from Cottage Industrialist which was absolutely perfect for me ;)

For Amahli and Jared, I set out a heart craft and as we completed it we talked about the things we love... about the day, each other, ourselves. Such a warm fuzzy morning we had.
The craft we did was a contact heart and its really easy to do.
Allow your child the stick cellophane all over the sticky contact heart. Make sure you fill in all the holes!
Such a cutie! You guys did a great job.