Todays craft is for my mum... she emailed me saying she needed some easy kids craft ideas to take on a mission trip she is doing in a few weeks to Cambodia (one day it will be me... one day...)
Years ago, I worked in a before and after school care centre I would get out wool and paddlepop sticks when it was wet weather or too cold and teach my gang to make Gods eyes, and this was an incredibly popular craft to do.
Jumeirah happily obliged to test it out for me so I could take some photos to show you hows it done (actually, I dont think the photos will help but hopefully she'll get the idea)
Start with two paddlepop sticks and cross them together.
Wind the wool a few times over the middle intersection to hold them in place. Then begin winding over and around each stick, continuing in a circular motion, winding wool around each stick before moving to the next one.
This is the pattern that will start to emerge if you go OVER first then under and around.. it was easier for jumeirah to go UNDER first and therefore the pattern is different. Once turned over, it looks like this.
This is the top side for her..

And what it looks like from the other side.
Keep going until the wool is finished or you run out of stick! :) We added more wool to Jumeirahs as she ran out of wool first. YOU can change the wool if you like to make the pattern different, but as we had a purple wool that changed colour we didnt need to.
Its a quick and simple activity that has very cool results.
If paddlepop sticks are available, tree sticks can also be used, probably thick ones though so they can handle the wool without breaking.
Jumeirah completed two in about 20 minutes and was keen to make more :)
I did manage to take a video to show how easy it is, but the camera hasnt focused on it properly so the quality isnt great.. but you get the idea :)
Those are a lot of fun to make. I am jealous of your mom. That someday when it is "you", let me know and it can be "us". :-)