Its amazing how easy it easy to encourage their thinking a little further in play without them feeling pressure to " learn".
So heres what we did :)
The day started with both of them building with the duplo. I came over and we talked about how the tower was shorter and Jared was taller.

He then continued to build until the tower was taller and he was shorter.
I asked him to guess what would happen when it was as tall as mum, he responded " I think it will crash down!" He was right :) ( almost hit the tv, but phew, just missed)
We then measured our feet in blocks. Amahlis feet is long, Jareds are longer, mine are the longest. We worked out that Amahlis foot is only two blocks shorter than Jareds!
He then used the measuring system to measure the dog, the table, and a whole heap of cars and had a great time trying to guess if he had the right amount or not. Next week I'll introduce a tape measure :)
Amahli went on to sorting and classifying without me even realising it, with her animals. She also counted each group of animals and commented on " too many dinosaurs" and "not many mice" whilst I sat there and watched her teach herself. Yup, Im already behind with this one.
You dont have to have all the toys and educational stuff to create easy learning environments. You just have to be "in" there and the learning, discovering and 'working it out" just comes :)
I love the pictures of Jared with the blocks. Especially where he is looking up to the top of them. I am also glad to see you are back to normal after your flood.