Monday, September 27, 2010

card making to change the world

Nothing like a spot of dancing to kick start a Monday!!

First day of school holidays.. for the next two weeks, life is as it should always be. Just having fun with all my kids doing whatever takes our fancy. I have also made it a Tv free for three days so we shall see how that goes!!
I spent a fair bit of time working out some fun stuff to do this week but more often than not, they work out their own plans.

This morning though, I set up the table with the supplies to make our own cards. Jumeirah has been at me for ages to do this, she wants to have a small collection so she can write one whenever she needs to. She has become pretty intent on letting people know how she feels about them, thanking them for doing nice things for her.. she too wants to change the world, one random act of kindness at a time :)

It wasnt until this afternoon that this really became popular. And the best part was, each of them came to me to do it at different times so I got some really awesome time with them all separately today.
Jumeirah was first up, chatting to me about who she was making them for, how they would feel to get a card from her, how she felt as she made them.

Jared came to see what they were doing, did a little bit of sticking but was more interested in having a turn of my punches. I taught him how to use it and he had a great time punching out some flowers. He then stuck them on, and insisted on attaching tiny jewels for each centre of the flower. I was a bit amazed at his need to make them " right".

Amahli came in the late afternoon and perched herself in my lap and asked to stick on some heart stickers. She was so proud of herself and carried this little card around all afternoon. Sweet sweet little one.

This is such an easy activity to do with kids of any age from about 18 months. It can be used as a tactile activity, a hand eye coordination game, or something to change someones world and give them a card that is heartfelt and hand made :)
You dont need fancy equipment, we spent $4 in Go Lo on paper and the rest was mine already but you can use whatever you have.

I really encourage you to get your kids to think of someone else and make them a card. A small thing can make a big difference :)

1 comment:

  1. HOW VERY SWEET! The expressions on their faces are PRICELESS!

    I had SUCH fun with your mum and dad - 2 of my very favorite peeps! Everywhere we went, we were talking about your babies!(And their smart mama!)

    Your book is on the way!♥
