Im done :)
No, dont be silly this isnt for me!! Its rudolphs and Santas ;)
Its 10pm Christmas Eve, and I only have one layer of jelly left to make!
Oh yes, there are tonnes of things I shoulda/coulda/woulda, but I am content to let them be for another year.
Today we:
Made Gingerbread trees to decorate for our family tomorrow ( of what was left of the mixture after two cheeky cherubs found it)
Decorate those gorgeous trees (again, finding Amahli with her stash of stolen smarties meant some trees are a little less decorated)
Made a traditional Australian dessert, The Pavlova ( and yet again, I spent more time chasing children from stealing the decorations. Jared was hell bent on eating a whole punnet of strawberries before I got to them, Jumeirah took a liking to blackberries and Amahli just kept eating the cream...)
Had some last minute playtime in some water with frozen coloured stars I made weeks ago and forgot about... Amahli loved it!
And tonight, watching Elf with my littles and hubbin, I took a moment to be thankful for the huge blessing that each of them is to me.
Thankyou, for reading and sticking with my little blog. I have been challenged and inspired by so many of you to keep going, and I thank those of you who have gone on to do some of these activities with your own kids. I love hearing about it!
Im signing off for a week to give this little brain of mine a break but I'll be back on Monday the 3rd NEXT YEAR!!!
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a safe and happy new year :)